Along with the U.S. government’s numerous military entanglements, there are a series of “smaller” wars that the state carries out against the people who reside within its borders. These “wars” all bear the crisis logo, and they are always targeted at protecting you from something — real, exaggerated, or contrived — that requires massive government intervention and the curtailment of liberties in order to win the war.
The war on the swine flu has been an ongoing affair for the government-media partnership that turned this issue into the most overrated story of 2009. Government officials, up to and including the president, have placed a disproportionate amount of emphasis on a barely notable strain of flu and have used it as justification for embarking on a health jihad that has come to dominate American society. Thanks to this latest offensive, America is chock-full of hallway hand sanitizers in corporate and public buildings; mini-hand sanitizers being passed around like a tin of mints; and posters stuck everywhere telling you how to sneeze, cough, breathe, and properly wash your hands. The Henson Company even produced a collectivist and creepy propaganda piece for children, urging them to get a flu shot for the good of the community.
It is true that a gaggle of faithful followers lined up to offer their bodies — and the bodies of their children — as guinea pigs for the H1N1 vaccine that had never been fully tested. They lined up at sites where the vaccine first became available. As time went on, however, public opinion was swayed by an abundance of evidence that the issue was being oversold in order to build a watershed of crisis and fear. Americans began to refuse the vaccinations, and in fact, many people started speaking out against them as they questioned the vaccine’s necessity and safety.
The swine flu frenzy that was commenced and amplified by the U.S. government and its hordes of international lackeys has been a splendid example of misusing propaganda to build hysteria to such an excessive degree that it not only becomes ineffective, but it becomes counterproductive. The mingling of tempered reality with unrestrained fantasy to a degree where the assertions become almost comical leads those who are being propagandized to view the embellishments as serving a divergent and possibly sinister cause.
For instance, in August of 2009, the CDC released a report that stated the swine flu pandemic could cause up to 90,000 deaths. This report would help to serve as justification for the government’s massive fear mongering campaign, including early indications that there would be mandatory vaccinations. In late October, the CDC reported about 1,000 deaths from the swine flu, and two weeks later the CDC reported 4,000 deaths. How is that possible? Did 3,000 people die between late October and early November? The CDC spun the story this way: earlier numbers being used were giving the government “an incomplete story of the pandemic.” The CDC’s original count included only laboratory confirmed cases, while its new numbers included estimates from epidemiologists. This way, the numbers could be gamed and a story of far greater severity could be peddled to the public. This all came about at a time when the swine flu numbers were already taking a nosedive and not living up to the government’s bullish pandemic predictions.
Perhaps the most comical scaremongering ruse in the whole swine flu circus was the Department of Homeland Security’s contingency plans to ration Internet bandwidth and block websites to avoid a possible overrun of Internet provider capacity should too many Americans come down with the swine flu and stay home to surf the Internet all day.
As the flu tizzy has wound down and started to disappear from the media headlines, I have been waiting patiently for a perspective to appear in mainstream print that refuses to let go of the hysteria, and instead attempts to amplify it. The Wall Street "Swine Flu" Journal doesn’t disappoint:
Global health officials' response to the swine-flu pandemic reflects major improvements in flu-fighting capabilities in recent years, but limited vaccine supplies, crowded emergency rooms, and other challenges show they still aren't fully equipped to combat a deadlier scourge, the World Health Organization's chief said.
While a second wave of infections caused by the H1N1 virus has ebbed in North America and Western Europe, transmission of flu remains intense in Central and Eastern Europe and parts of southern Asia, and health authorities must monitor its spread for another year or more, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said in an interview this week.
"It is premature to say the pandemic has peaked world-wide," she said. "The situation needs to be watched and monitored at least another six to 12 months." The virus could still mutate to become more severe, she warned.
State bureaucrats 'round the world, and especially in the U.S., can't stand it. They are absolutely disappointed that their perfidious pandemic was a bust, a flop, and a non-pandemic. Of course, there are no limited vaccine supplies or overwhelmed emergency rooms — that was a liar's cacophony for the purpose of using the swine flu epidemic as a control mechanism.
Currently, what I am seeing from the press is a bunch of inept fear mongering about a "third wave" of the swine flu — and this comes at a point when the general public long ago lost interest in the so-called "second wave." The CBS Connecticut website ran a "third wave" bulletin that says since a third wave is "possible," and people should still be vaccinated. Federal despots, unwilling to be left out of either wave and the ensuing disinformation fever, have chimed in with the CDC's warning of a third wave in January. The story states, "The CDC reports fewer people getting sick. That may not be the case come January." Remind me of what happened to the "second wave," or even the first?
I am amused each time I go into a Walgreens, or drive by a CVS, health clinic, doctor's office, or urgent care center. They all have signs in the windows, on the doors, and even outside in front of their buildings: "H1N1 - get your shots here." No one wants the vaccination so they have to push it and advertise it. Next thing you know they'll be doing "buy one get one free" H1N1 shots or having blue light specials. In fact, many places are already giving away free vaccines. Isn't this the same vaccination for which the U.S. government declared — over and over and over — there would be an extreme shortage, and we must all hurry and get it if such an opportunity appears? Again and again, Americans were being conditioned to believe that there was an undisputed, full-scale, worldwide health emergency that would soon mushroom into an uncontrollable killer flu, and our chances of being victims of some hideous health horror were higher than tripping and stubbing your toe.
Government, along with its obedient media arm, perpetually warned Americans of massive deaths, overrun hospitals, a shortage of lung machines, and the lack of available medical personnel to handle the massive overrun of resources that would be the result of a ginormous swine flu outbreak. Every day, every hour, the Swine Flu Journal, the Swine Flu Times, the Swine Flu Post, and all of those other organs of fear mongering and swine journalism, kept us up to date with play-by-plays of the expected date of H1N1 vaccination arrivals, the current shortage, and the expected time frames to relieve the shortage. Zillions of dollars were put into the pockets of the large and powerful Big Pharma interests who lobbied to sell the swine flu as a killer affliction and paid off scores of politicians and health bureaucrats to have it declared a pandemic. The U.S. government spent at least $2 billion dollars on vaccinations for Americans so that every single American could suck up Big Pharma's moneymaking toxic juice.
A study recently concluded by researchers at Harvard University and the Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit in the U.K revealed that the spring 2009 flu cases signaled a flu season that might be only slightly worse than normal. Philip Alcabes, author of Dread: How Fear and Fantasy Have Fueled Epidemics From the Black Death to Avian Flu, while commenting on this study, stated in an interview on ABC News,
"I think that it was, from the very beginning, created as a crisis and overstated as a real threat," he said, adding that he did not want to understate the seriousness of influenza.
"Flu is a serious illness, it kills people," he said. But, he added, "It does a disservice to public health when, in the name of a preparedness crusade, people create a narrative of crisis or catastrophe before we have enough data that this is happening."
The swine flu panic was a profligate hoax on the part of government autocrats and special interests — spearheaded by Big Pharma and the medical establishment — that stood to profit from its existence. A strain of flu was defined as a death-dealing pandemic in order to develop a rationale for launching a sweeping campaign of health tyranny against American citizens while corporate state interests stood to benefit hugely from the terror campaign.
In spite of holding all the cards, the government’s swine flu scheme failed miserably. It failed because enough people had the backbone to stop listening to the tripe that dominated the public airwaves. The fizzle and flop was similar to the one that occurred, recently, in a Nigerian's underwear somewhere over Detroit. The whole thing fell flat on its face because the totalitarian government of Washington D.C. overplayed the drama and fear, and, like a broken record, its orders, advice, and dictates began to sound more and more like vaudeville one-liners.

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